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Dr. Ann-Christin Hau

Since my early studies, I’ve been captivated by the complexity of the brain and its vulnerability to diseases like cancer. During my PhD at the Edinger Institute of the Goethe University, I initially focused on the transcriptional regulation of adult neurogenesis. This research provided key insights into how neural stem cells differentiate and function, but it was the discovery of the parallels between these processes and the uncontrolled growth in brain tumors that shifted my focus toward neuro-oncology. The similarities in molecular mechanisms between neurogenesis and tumorigenesis, particularly in high-grade gliomas, deepened my interest in understanding how genetic and epigenetic drivers fuel brain cancer.

Following my PhD, I continued this work at the Luxembourg Center of Neuropathology and the Luxembourg Institute of Health, where I gained expertise in personalized medicine and advanced pre-clinical models. Now, as the leader of a research group with an affiliation to the Senckenbergisches Institut für Neuroonkologie and the Edinger Institute, our main focus is developing cellular models that act as patient avatars, designed to closely mimic human biology. This approach aligns with the principles of the 3Rs (Replacement, Reduction, and Refinement), aiming to reduce animal use and create more accurate, human-relevant systems. In parallel, I am in my final year of medical school, driven by a desire to directly translate our research into clinical practice. Alongside this, mentoring the next generation of scientists remains a key passion as we continue to push the boundaries of neuro-oncology.

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Automatisiertes Pipettiersystem

Professional Experience

since 12/2022 Principal Investigator

Translational Neuro-Oncology Junior Group,

Dr. Senckenbergisches Institut für Neuroonkologie,

Institute of Neurology (Edinger Institute),

J.W. Goethe University Medical School, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

12/2020 - 12/2022 Senior Postdoctoral Fellow

Luxembourg Centre of Neuropathology (LCNP),

Nationa Center of Pathology (NPC),

Laboratoire national de santè,


12/2015 - 12/2020 Postdoctoral Fellow

DoCR - Department of Cancer research,

Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH),



Are you passionate about the molecular biology of brain tumors? Do you have a background in medicine or biology and want to contribute to cutting-edge research in neuro-oncology?

We’re always looking for motivated individuals to join us.

We offer exciting opportunities for internships, Master's, and PhD projects. Whether you're interested in molecular mechanisms, immunotherapy, glioma modeling, or exploring the latest techniques in cell biology and genetic engineering, you'll be part of a dynamic team pushing the boundaries of translational neuro-oncology.

Interested in applying? Please contact us and include a motivation letter, CV, and transcripts of records. We look forward to exploring how you can make a difference with us!

Translational Neuro-Oncology Group

Dr. Senckenbergisches Institut für Neuroonkologie &

Institute of Neurology (Edinger Institute)

University Hospital, Goethe University Frankfurt Heinrich-Hoffmann-Str. 7

60528 Frankfurt am Main


Building 89, Ground Floor, R014

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